Bashkir State Medical University of the Russian Federation and National University of Medical Science, Darkhan-Uul Medical School held an online meeting and signed a cooperation agreement.
Bashkir State Medical University was established under the auspice of the Health Ministry in the Russian Federation on 25 March 1932. BSMU has five faculties including Pediatrics, Bio-Medicine, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Pharmacy, and Medicine. The school has a 755-bed university hospital, a maxillofacial polyclinic, a central research laboratory, a cell laboratory, a central research library, a rehabilitation center, and four research institutes including oncology, cardiology, medicine, and new technologies. One of the leading medical universities in the Russian Federation is the Bashkir State Medical University and Accredited United Center of Simulation-Based Training and six dormitories.
The online meeting was attended by the Rector of BSMU, Russian Federation, Member of Russian Academy of Science, Chief Urologist of the Volga Federal District of the Russian Federation, Professor Valentin Pavlov, Pro-Rector for Science Affairs, of BSMU, Professor Irina Rakhmatullina, Pro-Rector for Innovation of BSMU, Professor Anvar Bakirov, Pro-Rector for Medical Affairs of BSMU, Professor Vitaly Viktorov, Head of the International Department of BSMU Ruslan Abdrahimov, and B. Bayasgalanmunkh (Ph.D.), Director of the National University of Medical Science, Darkhan Medical School, B.Khandaa, Head of Educational Policy and Management Division, O.Otgontogoo (Ph.D.), Ts.Nandinsuren, Chief of Administration and Finance Division, and P.Dulamjav, Head of Clinical Department.
During the online meeting, a cooperation agreement was signed between the two universities. In addition, an exchange program of students and lecturers, a joint research conference, and a joint research project were organized for future implementation.