
Nursing Development-2019

The  Regional Research Conference “Nursing Development” for nurses and medical specialists took place in Darkhan Medical School MNUMS on 8th November, 2019.
This conference is organized annually by Darkhan Medical School and Nursing department of General Hospital of Darkhan. The purpose of the conference is to increase research in the workplace of nurses and medical professionals and to develop evidence- based nursing services. At the conference, general hospital’s nurses and medical specialists from Darkhan, Orkhon, Bulgan and Selenge provinces made presentations.
Ch. Munkhsuvd, methodologist of the trauma department of Darkhan General hospital and nurses Ts. Munkhzul and D. Altansukh took first place with the presentation, “Safety of muscle injections in adults and some risk factors.”
The nurses of General Hospital of Bulgan provice N. Gantsolmon, O. Batbayar, and R. Odbayar won second place.  The presentation topic was, “The Importance of doing Kegel exercise during urinary incontinence”.
M. Khandmaa, a nurse in the surgery department of General Hospital of Darkhan province, took third place with the presentation, “Results of washing the abscesses of patients who received treatment in the surgery department.”
The judges were B. Mendkhuu - PhD of Educational Science, D. Dulamsuren- Postgraduate Training Methodologist, and V. Tserendolgor – Training Methodologist of General Hospital.


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