
The National Council for Educational Accreditation’s Independent experts team is working on the Laboratory Technician Diploma Program

              A team of external experts appointed by the National Council for Educational Accreditation is working at the Medical School in Darkhan-Uul of the Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences (MNUMS) on September 26-27, 2024, to evaluate and provide recommendations for the accreditation of the laboratory technician program. The evaluation is based on the main and sub-criteria of the accreditation standards. The coordinator of the external experts is Delgertsetseg.Ch, an expert from the National Council for Educational Accreditation. The team is organizing meetings with students enrolled in the laboratory technician program, faculty members of the basic medical education department, graduates, and employers. The Medical School in Darkhan-Uul of MNUMS started the laboratory technician program in 2012 and has since trained approximately 200 laboratory technicians.

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