At the invitation of the President of the Society, Professor Kenta Shigemori, and Advisor Professor Takaki Shimura the directors of the Medical School branches of the Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences in Darkhan-Uul, Dornogovi, and Govi-Altai provinces, Bayasgalanmunkh.B, Otgonchimeg.M, and Gundegmaa.D in the "24th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Early Stage of Dementia" held at TOHTO University in Chiba Prefecture, Japan, from November 9 to 11, 2024 participated.
A presentation was given on the causes and influencing factors of early-stage dementia, prevention methods, care, treatment, and diagnosis for people with dementia. Additionally, views were exchanged on the research, current situation, and legal environment for the elderly in Mongolia.
Additionally, a working meeting was organized with Kenta Shigemori (President of the Japanese Society for Early Stage of Dementia, Professor), Takaki Shimura (Honorary Director of the Japanese Society for Early Stage of Dementia, Professor), Oshiro Hajepme (Vice President of the Japanese Society for Early Stage of Dementia), and Kazuhiko Yamashita (Professor at Tohto University). During the meeting, discussions were held on future cooperation and joint research activities.