
Opening for Psychological service center

Darkhan-Uul province is with around 1000 population and considered one of the
biggest provinces. Therefore, over 6000 students are studying in 9 universities. There have been
some specific needs of psychological counseling related to social instability, poverty,
unemployment, children's upbringing, maturity, communication disorders, and moral defects.
In accordance with these needs, we have decided to open a Psychological service center for the
first time among the vocational schools and universities in Darkhan-Uul province. This
psychological center is intended to determine the level of the intellectual development of
students, identifies mental manifestations and develops recommendations, guides them in terms
of human development, diagnoses psychological and personal manifestations, provides
counseling and support services to parents and guardians, and supports career guidance and
choice. The aim of this center could provide services such as creating a pleasant psychological
atmosphere in the school environment, developing a positive way to overcome difficulties, and
directing attitudes in the right direction. Besides providing the service for students and professors
at vocational schools and universities, we can provide a service for the public who need
psychological service in Darkhan-Uul province. We are pleased to provide help from
professional psychologists, student service specialists, and other relevant teachers.


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