Ачаалж байна


Админ 2021 оны 5-р сарын 5 өдөр

Darkhan-Uul Medical School of Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences/MNUMS/ and  Ege University Faculty of Health Sciеnces Midwifery Department of Turkey would like to invite you to take part in the International research and practice On-line conference "THE CURRENT ASPECTS OF REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH” which will be held on 5-6 May, 2021 in connection with the International day of midwives at  Darkhan-Uul Medical School of MNUMS.
Within the framework of the conference, it is planned to discuss and exchange of ideas, experience on scientific and practical issues of reproductive health among midwifery, OBG, academicians and lecturers.  
Scientists, professors and researchers from all over the world are invited to participate in the International Online Conference on "THE CURRENT ASPECTS OF REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH”


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